GPERT, Bath GP Education & Research Trust (BGPERT)
This is a charitable organisation offering a wide variety of accredited educational events for GPs in the Bath Area. Examples include basic skin surgery, child protection, medicines management and joint injection training.
Sessions are run as full day/half day and evening meetings. Depending on the meeting, refreshments are offered and for many evening meetings a hot supper is provided. Becoming a member and attending the meetings not only allows you to maintain your CPD, but is a great way to network with other GP colleagues and local consultants.
For further information on BGPERT and becoming a member please visit -
Local Medical Committees
LMCs are also a good point of call for any Sessional GPs. They provide up-to-date information on payment and employment issues as well as acting as a source of pastoral support and advice for GPs in difficulty.
BANES practices are served by Wessex LMC.
Wessex LMC
Avon LMC
GP Appraisal is a key component of Revalidation and every GP must compete one annually unless they have exceptional circumstances.
Revalidation requires five successful appraisals including 50 CPD credits each year, one set of colleague and patient feedback questionnaires, the required child protection and CPR training and audit/quality improvement projects as confirmed with your individual appraisers.
There can be specific difficulties for sessional GPs with appraisal especially involving the questionnaire and audits but all appraisers should be aware of resources to help and the RCGP website section on Revalidation is really helpful.
Our local team is The Bath, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire Area Team (BGSW) Area Team and there are a number of GP appraisers in the area who are sessional GPs. At present you can choose your appraiser but this is likely to change soon to allocation only to make to process fairer.
The Responsible Officer for the Bath, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire area is Dr Liz Mearns, Medical Director, NHS England (BGSW Area Team).
The day to day administration is conducted from the NHS England Area Team office in Brockworth, Gloucester, by Admin Assistant, Samantha Green.
[email protected]
[email protected] tel. 0300 421 1732
There can be specific difficulties for sessional GPs with appraisal especially involving the questionnaire and audits but all appraisers should be aware of resources to help and the RCGP website section on Revalidation is really helpful.
BEMS+ - GP Provider group -
RUH GP site -
This is a charitable organisation offering a wide variety of accredited educational events for GPs in the Bath Area. Examples include basic skin surgery, child protection, medicines management and joint injection training.
Sessions are run as full day/half day and evening meetings. Depending on the meeting, refreshments are offered and for many evening meetings a hot supper is provided. Becoming a member and attending the meetings not only allows you to maintain your CPD, but is a great way to network with other GP colleagues and local consultants.
For further information on BGPERT and becoming a member please visit -
Local Medical Committees
LMCs are also a good point of call for any Sessional GPs. They provide up-to-date information on payment and employment issues as well as acting as a source of pastoral support and advice for GPs in difficulty.
BANES practices are served by Wessex LMC.
Wessex LMC
Avon LMC
GP Appraisal is a key component of Revalidation and every GP must compete one annually unless they have exceptional circumstances.
Revalidation requires five successful appraisals including 50 CPD credits each year, one set of colleague and patient feedback questionnaires, the required child protection and CPR training and audit/quality improvement projects as confirmed with your individual appraisers.
There can be specific difficulties for sessional GPs with appraisal especially involving the questionnaire and audits but all appraisers should be aware of resources to help and the RCGP website section on Revalidation is really helpful.
Our local team is The Bath, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire Area Team (BGSW) Area Team and there are a number of GP appraisers in the area who are sessional GPs. At present you can choose your appraiser but this is likely to change soon to allocation only to make to process fairer.
The Responsible Officer for the Bath, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire area is Dr Liz Mearns, Medical Director, NHS England (BGSW Area Team).
The day to day administration is conducted from the NHS England Area Team office in Brockworth, Gloucester, by Admin Assistant, Samantha Green.
[email protected]
[email protected] tel. 0300 421 1732
There can be specific difficulties for sessional GPs with appraisal especially involving the questionnaire and audits but all appraisers should be aware of resources to help and the RCGP website section on Revalidation is really helpful.
BEMS+ - GP Provider group -
RUH GP site -